Hotel Policies

Child Protection Policy

PNOE BREATHING LIFE is committed to the protection of children who are hosted as guests on the premises of our hotels. Our commitment includes the following:

●   According to the World Health Organization, child abuse or ill-treatment includes all forms of physical or emotional abuse, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent care or exploitation for commercial or other purposes, resulting in specific or potential harm in the life, development and dignity of the child, within the bounds of a relationship of responsibility, trust and power.

●   Our organization does not accept clients who are suspected of child sexual abuse or implicated in child pornography cases.

●   The hotel staff is trained in the management of cases where child sexual abuse/general abuse of children may be concealed as in cases where minor children are accompanied by adults without a parental or familial relationship.

●   The staff report cases where there is proven child abuse or where there are suspicions of sexual abuse of minors or adults to the relevant authorities (police, tel. number #100) and to local bodies (“Smile of the Child”, tel. #1056).

●   Our organization does not employ minors in its hotel units.

●   We support the efforts of local organizations such as the SOS Children’s Villages in Crete.

●   Staff must treat children equally and with respect regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, origin, beliefs, legal status of themselves or their family members and their national, religious, cultural, or social background.

The policy will be reviewed annually to assess its ongoing suitability.

The Hotel Manager
Date: 1/10/2023